The Story of Kick Ass Letters

How it all began

In October 2020, an idea sprouted.

After being stuck at home bored and exhausted due to covid, I needed something new.

Newsletters were popping up everywhere.

Many were tackling different angles, many were fun to read.

However, I noticed one thing immediately.

It was all consumption. No action.

So I started thinking.

What if we used newsletters as a form of change. A positive change.

What if we could use newsletters as a way to help people get out of their comfort zone, embrace life, and achieve their goals.

And so in November 2020, Kick Ass Letters was born.

Our mission

The Kick Ass Life mission is simple:

“Empower entrepreneurs/founders/creators worldwide embrace life, tackle their fears, and launch their businesses.”

Why did we pick this?

Because we believe living our best lives requires facing our fears. Being outside of our comfort zone. Taking chances.

As Tim Ferriss, author of the 4-Hour Work Week, puts it:

“The most important actions are never comfortable.”

Are you in?

If you’re like me, you hate regrets.

I think about all those years I could have started a business, a side project, taken chances, traveled the world, etc.

But I didn’t.

It would take another 10 years before I realized those decisions are on me.

That I would need to face my fears on.

So I made a deliberate choice.

If it scares me, do it. No questions asked.

So are you in?

Are you ready to take that leap?

I would love for you to join.

Join me and 100s of other founders, entrepreneurs, and creators taking that same leap.


Don’t let another second pass by.

Start embracing life.

Start making deliberate choices.

Start those big projects you’ve been dreaming of for years.

Restart old projects that have collected dust that you were once passionate about.

Start reaching out to cold contacts and new.

Join communities, make new friends.

Start kicking ass. Kick life’s ass.

See you soon, friends!

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